Correlation Coefficient

Correlation measures the strength and direction of the linear relationship between two variables. The formula for the correlation coefficient (Pearson’s r) is: Where:

Delete a folder in Google Colab

To delete a folder in Google Colab, you need to first remove all the files and subfolders within it. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do this using Python and shell commands:

Quantile-based discretization of continuous variables

n Pandas library in Python pd.qcut is a function for performing quantile-based discretization of continuous variables. Quantile-based discretization involves dividing a continuous variable into discrete intervals or bins based on the distribution of its values. This process ensures that each bin contains approximately the same number of observations, making it useful for creating categories or…

Get available Hyperparameters

get_params() is a method provided by scikit-learn estimators (such as classifiers, regressors, transformers, etc.) that returns a dictionary of the estimator’s parameters. These parameters are the hyperparameters that define the behavior of the estimator and can be tuned during the model selection or hyperparameter optimization process. Here’s a simple example of how you might use…

Handling missing values with SimpleImputer

SimpleImputer is a class in scikit-learn, a popular machine learning library in Python, used for handling missing values in datasets. It provides a simple strategy for imputing missing values, such as filling missing entries with the mean, median, most frequent value, or a constant. Here’s a basic example of how you might use SimpleImputer: This…

Parameter stratify from method train_test_split in scikit Learn

In the context of the train_test_split function in machine learning, the stratify parameter is used to ensure that the splitting process preserves the proportion of classes in the target variable. When you set stratify=y, where y is your target variable, the data is split in a way that maintains the distribution of classes in both…

Unsupervised Learning Dimensionality Reduction – Feature Elimination vs Extraction

Feature Elimination and Feature Extraction are two common techniques used in dimensionality reduction, a process aimed at reducing the number of features (or dimensions) in a dataset while preserving the most important information. Both techniques are used to address the curse of dimensionality, improve computational efficiency, and potentially enhance model performance. However, they differ in…

CDF plot of Numerical columns

The provided code below generates a grid of subplots (dynamic rows and 2 columns) and plots cumulative distribution function (CDF) plots for numerical variables in a DataFrame (df).

Standardizing features by StandardScaler

n scikit-learn (sklearn), the StandardScaler is a preprocessing technique used to standardize features by removing the mean and scaling them to have a unit variance. Standardization is a common step in many machine learning algorithms, especially those that involve distance-based calculations or optimization processes, as it helps ensure that all features contribute equally to the…

What is Silhouette Coefficient

he silhouette coefficient is a measure of how well-separated clusters are in a clustering analysis. It provides a way to assess the quality of clustering by evaluating both the cohesion within clusters and the separation between clusters. The silhouette coefficient ranges from -1 to 1, with higher values indicating better-defined clusters. Here’s how the silhouette…