How-to: cap/clip outliers in a column

To cap or clip outliers in a column, you can use the clip method in pandas. The clip method allows you to set a minimum and maximum threshold for the values in a DataFrame or a specific column. Here’s an example: Clipping is a simple method, and it’s important to consider the impact on your…

How-to: When missing data is of type categorical

hen dealing with missing data of type categorical, several methods can be used to impute the missing values. Here are some common approaches: The choice of imputation method depends on the nature of the data, the underlying patterns, and the goals of the analysis. Always consider the context of the data and the potential impact…

How-to: clean a dataset

leaning a dataset involves handling missing values, correcting errors, and preparing the data for analysis. Here are common steps to clean a dataset using Python and pandas: Always document the steps taken during the cleaning process for transparency and reproducibility. Additionally, it’s crucial to thoroughly understand the context of the data and the goals of…